proudly presents
the 1992 production of
1. Maria Marten, or the Murder in the Red Barn
by Richard Dennis
Maria Marten ....................................................... | Patricia Gschwendner |
...................................................... | Elke Schnappauf |
Squire William Corder ........................................ | Holger Huber |
....................................................... | Rainer Streng |
Chairman & Stage Manager .............................. | Melanie Reynolds |
....................................................... | Mike Claridge |
Musical Interludes .............................................. | Volkhart Baumgärtner |
helpful comments and remarks ......................... | The Cast and YOU, the audience ! |
This play has its own introduction, so little need be said here. It is an example - or, perhaps better, a parody - of the old Victorian music-hall tradition. This is very typical of Richard Dennis' work, since he both acts with and writes for The Players Theatre, the leading Music Hall Company in the world, and all of his work makes fun of the traditional melodrama.
2. The Applicant
by Harold Pinter
Miss Piffs ............................................................. | Maria-Katharina Linß |
Lamb ..................................................................... | Markus Stock |
Lamb comes for a job interview with Miss Piffs and finds it a very different experience from what he had expected ...
Harold Pinter needs no introduction. Some would call him the English-speaking master of Absurd Theatre. This work comes from a collection of five sketches, A Slight Ache and Other Plays. As ever with much Absurd Theatre, one ends up asking oneself what the writer wants to say - or, indeed, whether he wants to say anything, or is merely laughing at his audience. We have aimed at a mixed interpretation. First of all, we see this play as ridiculing the kind of interview technique where certain questions of a rather absurd nature are asked simply to see how the candidate reacts - a favourite for prospective students at Oxford University being "How many people have you slept with?", for instance, which tells one a great deal about the candidate's intellectual and mental abilities... |
3. The Man in the Bowler Hat
by A. A. Milne
Mary ............................................................ | Sabine Taronna |
John ............................................................ | Oliver Roos |
Hero ............................................................ | Christoph Futschek |
Heroine ...................................................... | Christine Köhler |
Chief Villain ............................................... | Thomas Gennrich |
Bad Man ("Mr. Smithers") ....................... | Volkhart Baumgärtner |
Man in the Bowler Hat ............................. | Mike Claridge |
John and Mary, two of the most ordinary people in the world, are spending a quiet evening at home, as usual. Suddenly, a gun shot rings out and their sitting room becomes the scene of tremendous - if highly unlikely - drama.
Also known affectionately by those taking part in the play as "Der Mann im Beulerhut" , the play clearly reveals A. A. Milne's diversity, reflecting his considerable dramatic output. We tend to think of him today as the creator of Winnie-the-Pooh, "or Pooh Bear for short" , but this is to seriously neglect his great ability as playwright and also journalist. Indeed, one of his plays, Toad of Toad Hall, a dramatization of Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows, is to be seen every Christmastide on the London stage, where it is a perennial favourite of children (and not a few adults, including the present writer!!!). |
4. Us and Them
by David Compton
Recorder .............................................................. | Britta Mischek |
Party A:
Spokesperson ..................................................... | Daniela Stephan |
with ....................................................................... | Isabelle Allemand |
Marianne Pouplier | |
Mathias Gressmann | |
Party B:
Spokesperson ..................................................... | Jacqueline Gamperl |
with ....................................................................... | Sandra Ehlers |
Britta Bock | |
Jürgen Hoh |
Under the eyes of an all-seeing Recorder, two groups meet. They divide the land, first with a line, then with a wall. From there on the trouble begins.
Obviously, there is the temptation to see Us and Them as extremely topical, given the emotive word "wall" , "Party A from the East" , "Party B from the West" . However, it is important that this impulse be suppressed - the use of East and West expecially is of no particular significance, and the labels could be equally well exchanged for North & South, Black & White, Coloured & Caucasian, even Male & Female. The important point here - as with all of Compton's work - is that we all belong to one group, whatever differences we may superficially have: the group of homo sapiens, inhabiting this planet. Sometimes in his work, Compton seeks to portray mankind as helpless puppets trapped in frightening situations; in Us and Them, however, the situation is made by the people themselves, their inherent distrust of others for no reasons at all, their refusal to accept ultimate responsibility and search for someone or something else to bear this responsibility. Perhaps the most telling moment ist when one member says of the other group - whom he cannot see - "They're doing exactly what we're doing" , only to be answered with unconscious irony by another member, "I knew they were'nt to be trusted" . |
5. ... and now for something completely different ...
the Joker in our pack !!!
... with occasional attempts at "Inhaltsangabe"
by Loriot
Speaker ................................................................ | Sybille Friz |
... and the press said ...
(Fränkischer Tag vom 27. Juni 1992)
The Production Team
Lighting ................................................................ | Jürgen Hoh, Mike Claridge |
Make-up ............................................................... | Dörte Bernitt, Ulrike Find, |
Beatrix Hesse, Elke Kaschl | |
Poster & artistic advice ..................................... | Tini Weidner |
Placards ............................................................... | Melanie Reynolds |
Front of House .................................................... | Claudia Dechant |
Programme notes ............................................... | Mike Claridge |
Directed by Mike Claridge
Thanks to ...
- Professor Jochum (Lehrstuhl für Englische Literaturwissenschaft) for moral and financial assistance
- Ingeborg Penalba for administrative assistance and oil-pouring on troubled waters
- Werner Oppelt for intermediary work in connection with the Dientzenhofer Gymnasium
- Professor Bus (Lehrstuhl für Amerikanische Literaturwissenschaft) for advice and use of the Lehrstuhl !
- The Directorate of the Dientzenhofer Gymnasium for willingness to continue working together with us, and the janitor for his patience with us !
- The Deutsch-Englischer Club Bamberg e.V. for assistance and aid
- The Pressestelle der Universität Bamberg for P.R. aid
- The Fränkischer Tag, Fränkische Nacht, Fränkische Nebel [huh?! - that's just a little joke...], Wochenblatt, Frankenforum and Radio Antenne Franken for help in spreading the good word...