Having entered the third decade of its existence, the BUEDG now regularly can be seen twice a year: We produce a major production at the end of each summer semester as well as displaying our theatrical skills in a winter production.
For our most recent shows (since 2015) and current activities, please see Chair of English Literary Studies at the University of Bamberg.
Winter Workshop 2010: Hot Fudge
In April of 2010, the BUEDG put the results of its theatre workshop on display for two performances. Participants of the workshop gathered experiences in the fundamentals of stagecraft as well as working on a short play by Caryl Churchill. Thus, Hot Fudge, a one-act play about lies, superficiality and vanity, was performed on a smaller scale in one of the University's seminar rooms. Audience members were able to get an on-site impression of our company and develop an appetite for our upcoming full-scale summer production.
Die Teilnehmer des Workshops und Mitwirkenden am Stück v.l.n.r.: Satu Halonen, Romina Heinrich, Carina White, David Härtl, Maria Schott, Steven Godó Kiss und Dirk Müller (Regie). |
2010: Salem & Gomorrah
This was the second production for director Uli Spieß, who had been responsible for the popular success of Ten Little Baby Dolls the year before, and the subject matter was even more ambitious: in an adaption of Arthur Miller's classic The Crucible (1952), the BUEDG took on themes like religious zealotry and the persecution of witches. The love triangle between Elizabeth and John Proctor as well as Abigail Williams was amplified by splitting up the roles among three actors respectively. The black and white set was mainly kept abstract, striking and simple, placing an even shedding and even stronger limelight on the intensive performances in emotionally demanding scenes. Audience reaction varied from liberating laughter to being moved to tears at times, culminating in thundering applause after each show.
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2011: Christopher Durang's Baby with the Bathwater
Directed by Dirk Müller, Bamberg University English Drama Group brought this play by the American playwright and actor Christopher Durang to ETA Hoffmann Theater's Studiobühne in July 2011. Durang's works, which often deal with child abuse, the dogmas of the Catholic Church and its attitude toward homosexuality, are particularly popular with theatre students and lovers of alternative political theatre. Some of his plays had successfull Broadway runs.
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2012: Stephen Sondheim and George Furth's Getting away with Murder
From July 3 to 8, the Bamberg University English Drama Group presented its new play, a comedy thriller by Stephen Sondheim and George Furth, to packed audiences. A group of patients meet at Dr. Conrad Bering's private office. However, the Pulitzer-Prize-winning shrink is dead - and the killer on the loose. Directors Maria Schott and Joachim Zimmer welcomed more than 400 guests to the JuZ, this year's venue. The audience witnessed a funny group of characters one after the other presenting their skeletons in the closet, ultimately finding out that getting away with murder is not that easy after all...
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2013: George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart's You Can't Take It with You
In July 2013, the BUEDG treated its audience to a well-liked comedy from the 1930s about a clash of two families and a love that is hard pressed to survive the chaos that ensues. The play was very successfull in its time and has been one of the 10 most-produced school plays every year since amateur rights became available in 1939.
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2014: Michael Patrick, Gemma Hurley and Paul Clarkson's Deathship 666
From July 4 to 9, the Bamberg University English Drama Group presented its new play, Deathship 666, a disaster film parody, directed by Uli Spies, to packed audiences. The play, which was originally a successful Edinburgh fringe show, portrays its main characters desperately trying to cope with everything this crazy voyage has to throw at them, including icebergs, ferocious bears and bombs. This year again, the visitors were very well entertained by this hilariously funny and absurd play. The drama group presented this fast-paced, pun- and reference-loaden parody to a nearly sold-out audience and convinced the visitors with good, in some cases even superb, acting. Certainly, this production did not blow up, but went rather swimmingly...
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